Course Components

  • Created by India’s best anaesthesiologists with the most up-to-date content
  • 250+ hours of classes, including over 100+ hours of General Anaesthesia & Critical Care classes
  • In-depth insights into other sub-specialties like - Cardiac Anaesthesia, Neuroanaesthesia, Paediatric Anaesthesia, Transplant Anaesthesia, Regional Anaesthesia, Pain Management, Obstetric Anaesthesia, and Oncoanaesthesia
  • Dedicated videos on MCQ Discussions, Case Presentations, and Viva Station Discussions to tackle practical final year and SS examinations
  • QBank - includes objective-type questions (NEET-SS + INI-SS) and periodic tests to reinforce learning


A single course for Anaesthesia Residency and Super-Speciality preparation
Top, hand-picked faculty with DM & Fellowship qualifications in Anaesthesia subspecialties
MCQ modules in QBank & Tests with Residency and SS-exam-oriented content
Crisp and concise In-app notes

Course Content

General Anaesthesia
Critical Care
Cardiac Anaesthesia
Transplant Anaesthesia
Regional Anaesthesia
Pain Management
Paediatric Anaesthesia
Obstetric Anaesthesia
  • Dr Arun Aravind

    MD Anaesthesiology, PDCC Cardiac Anaesthesia, FICCC, FCPM, FIPM

    High-Yield Topics like:

    • Preoperative Evaluation & Monitoring
    • Airway Assessment & Difficult Airway
    • Neuromuscular Physiology, Blocking Drugs, & Monitoring
    • Breathing Systems & Mapleson Circuits
    • Intravenous Induction Agents & Inhaled Anaesthetic Agents
    • Anaesthesia Machine
    • Laryngoscopes, Masks, Airways, & Endotracheal Tubes
    • Systemic Anaesthesia
    • Postoperative Care & Complications
    • Multinodular Goitre Patient for Total Thyroidectomy - Case Presentation
    • Ischemic Heart Disease Patient for Laparoacopic Cholecystectomy - Case Presentation
    • ABG Analysis
    • Pulse Oximetry & Capnography

    And much more will be covered.

    Preoperative evaluation

    7-minute snippet from 45+ hours of General Anaesthesia

Marrow Programme for Anaesthesia Residents Faculty

  • Dr Arun Aravind

    MD Anaesthesiology, PDCC,

    Cardiac Anaesthesia, FICCC, FCPM, FIPM

  • Dr Riddhi Kundu

    DM Critical Care Medicine,


  • Dr Hiteshi Aggarwal

    DM Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia &

    Intensive Care

  • Dr Dheeraj Masapu

    DM Neuroanaesthesiology &

    Neuro-Critical Care

  • Dr Rakesh Babu

    MD Anaesthesia, Fellowship in Liver

    Transplant Anaesthesia

  • Dr Anamika Yadav

    MD Anaesthesiology, Critical Care, & Pain;


  • Dr Neha Das

    MD Anaesthesia, Fellowship in

    Paediatric Anaesthesia

  • Dr Shweta Mogal

    MD Anaesthesiology, Fellowship in

    Obstetric Anaesthesia

  • Dr Mahima Gupta

    MD Anaesthesiology, DM


Frequently Asked Questions
What content is available in the course now?

At the time of launch, there will be about 200+ hours of videos live, along with QBank modules in General Anaesthesia and Critical Care. These will cover key topics and give you ample material to begin your preparation. The remaining videos and other content will be added in phases over the following 3 months.


To ensure you have enough time, we will give a special 2-month course validity extension as a free add-on for all subscriptions purchased during this launch period. Please note that this extension will be available for a limited time only. As new videos are released, they will automatically become available for all Pro users in the app

How can I subscribe to the course?

You can subscribe to the course by clicking here

Who is this course relevant to?

This course is relevant for MD/DNB/ Diploma students, secondary DNB students, and any Anaesthesia resident who is looking for guidance during their Residency. This will also help to prepare for MCQ-based examinations.

How will this course benefit me?

This course is built by India’s top faculty for anesthesia and covers all aspects of General Anesthesia and sub-specialties. You will find detailed coverage of topics in this course.

Created with a concept-based approach with case presentations, the course includes dedicated videos to guide and tackle both theory and practical examinations during the Residency and also for MCQ-based examinations

Will this course help me prepare for NEET-SS / INI-SS?
Yes, this course will contain high-yield modules & MCQs in the QBank with residency and SS exam-oriented content. We will also have NEET SS and INI SS focussed GTs and Mini Tests.

Will this course help me prepare for my theory and practical exams?
Yes, this course will have dedicated videos on how to answer and tackle theory questions in your residency programme. The course will also have clinically relevant case discussions added to enhance your preparation.

How many specialities will I get access to if I subscribe?

Subscribing to the Marrow Programme for Anaesthesia Residents plan will give you access to all the following specialties:

- General Anaesthesia

- Critical Care

- Cardiac Anaesthesia

- Neuroanaesthesia

- Transplant Anaesthesia

- Regional Anaesthesia

- Pain Management

- Paediatric & Neonatal Anaesthesia

- Obstetric Anaesthesia

- Oncoanaesthesia

How do I access the Marrow Programme for Anaesthesia Residents?

The Marrow Programme for Anaesthesia Residents is a separate course on the Marrow app. Please update your app to the latest version to view the course.

  1. Open Marrow app
  2. Tap on the three lines on the top left
  3. Tap on "Your Course"
  4. Select "Marrow Programme for Anaesthesia Residents"

I am an MD Anaesthesia resident appearing for DM Anaesthesia exams. Would there be relevant content for the same?

The course covers topics in General Anesthesia and subspecialties from the latest edition of key specialty reference books. So, the videos should definitely aid in your MCQ exam preparation. Additionally, we will have periodic MCQ-based tests and speciality subject GTs to help your exam readiness. There will also be a comprehensive Q Bank, which is in development, covering relevant modules and important MCQs. This would be sufficient for your MCQ exams

Will notes be available for this course?

Soft copy notes are actively being made available in-app for all subjects.

Since Critical Care videos are a part of this course, will we get access to General Medicine videos as well?
General Medicine videos will not be a part of this course. It is available as a part of the SS Medicine course. This course is primarily for residents who are preparing for an Anaesthesia residency.

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